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Pathfinder Cantrips

WEB: A Cantrip with Multiple Uses


WEB, a cantrip available to wizards and sorcerers, is a versatile spell with a variety of uses in combat and exploration. This article will explore the spell's effects, how it differs from other cantrips, and how it can be used effectively.

Spell Effects

WEB creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of sticky webbing that lasts for one minute. Any creature that enters the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or become restrained until the spell ends. The webbing can also be used to restrain creatures that are already within the area.

Differences from Other Cantrips

WEB is different from other cantrips in several ways: * It is a concentration spell, meaning that the caster must maintain concentration on it in order for it to remain active. * It is a conjuration spell, meaning that it creates a new object rather than manipulating an existing one. * It is a ranged spell, meaning that it can be cast at a distance from the target.

Uses in Combat

WEB can be used in combat to restrain enemies and prevent them from attacking. It can also be used to create obstacles that block movement and provide cover. For example, a wizard could cast WEB to restrain a group of melee attackers, allowing their allies to focus on ranged attacks.

Uses in Exploration

WEB can also be used in exploration to climb walls, cross gaps, and trap enemies. For example, a wizard could cast WEB to create a sticky bridge across a chasm, allowing the party to cross safely.


WEB is a versatile cantrip with a variety of uses in combat and exploration. Its ability to restrain enemies and create obstacles makes it a valuable tool for any wizard or sorcerer.
