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Aircraft Maintenance License Exam Philippines

Aviation Industry News

Skill Test Standards for Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating

WEB AC 02-015 Skill Test Standards Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating.

Aviation Maintenance Licensing Exams for BSAMT Graduates

The two Aviation Maintenance Licensing exams available for BSAMT graduates in the Philippines.

Aircraft Mechanic Licensing Requirements in the Philippines

If you want to become an aircraft mechanic in the Philippines you need to obtain a license from the Civil Aviation.

Online Platform for Licensing Exams and Career Progression

Skilltech is an online platform designed to make licensing entrance exams and career progression simpler and easier.

Accredited Skill Test Facility for Aircraft Mechanics

PATTS College of Aeronautics is an Accredited Skill Test Facility of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines.

Theoretical and Skill Test Training for Aircraft Mechanics

This study is about developing theoretical and skill test training refresher program for Bachelor.
