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Religion In Bangladesh

Religion in Bangladesh

Major Religions

Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country, with Islam being the dominant religion practiced by around 83.4% of the population. Other major religions in Bangladesh include Hinduism (10.7%), Buddhism (0.6%), and Christianity (0.4%).

Introduction of Islam

Islam was introduced to Bengal in the 12th century by Sufi saints and traders. Over time, Islam gradually spread throughout the region and became the dominant religion in Bangladesh.

Other Religions

Besides the four major religions, a small number of people in Bangladesh also practice Sikhism, Bahai Faith, and animism. Sikhism is mainly practiced by the Punjabi community, while Bahai Faith is a relatively new religion in Bangladesh.


Religion plays a significant role in the cultural and social fabric of Bangladesh. The diversity of religious beliefs and practices adds to the country's rich cultural heritage and fosters a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect among its citizens.
